I think this is such a pretty necklace and earrings. I found them on ebay (my favorite place to shop!). And the closer one kindof shows that I got another perm :-) I usually get my hair done once a year, but I'm going to have to go to twice because it grows out too fast.
Is this typing the color of skin when it "turns blue" from the cold? IT'S 20 BELOW!!!!! I don't even want to go NEAR the door -- there's cold air coming through the cracks -- let alone go OUT in this! I wish that I had taken a picture of my kids getting bundled up to go downtown with Uncle Rich. They each have on two pairs of socks, a short-sleeved shirt, a long-sleeved shirt, a sweatshirt, snowpants, boots, coat, hat, light-weight gloves, and waterproof/heavy mittens. They won't be outside for more than a few minutes at a time to walk between buildings except to watch fireworks later on. They each have a backpack to put their layers in while they're inside. I think there's an ice slide and an ice sculpture, so they'll be outside for those. I hope they come back happy, not whiny and frozen. I'm sure they'll have fun! I never did find out what event is happening -- I'll have to ask when they get home. We also went out earlier today to drop the boys off at the school with Dad so that I could take Makenzie to a birthday party. That was fun, but I sure do miss my automatic starter that I had on our old car (don't miss the car since in the end, it only started once in a while for me). Sometimes I'm reminded how nice my kids are. Makenzie was so polite and well-behaved at the birthday party -- I was really proud of her! And yesterday, Joel's friend's mom talked to me after she had Joel call to tell me goodnight (VERY thoughtful of her!!!!). She said that Joel had been so polite and good and was just a delightful child (I think those were even her exact words)! That really made my day!
I'm well enough to go to church tomorrow, or at least to work in the nursery -- not sure if I'll make it through church. I'm at the coughing/runny nose stage now. Thank God my sore throat almost completely over! Now I just have this tickling and draining causing a cough. I'll take a bottle of water and sit in the tv room probably so that I can at least hear the music and sermon.
it's the 50th anniversary of Alaska's statehood. That's what they are celebrating downtown. I had thought about taking Gavin but when it was so cold we went to watch basketball inside instead.