Saturday, January 17, 2009

our fourth Saturday

"Saturday" kinda loses its specialness when there have already been three of them in a row. I tried, though -- doughnuts from Carrs for breakfast, lots of cleaning (that wasn't a "fun" kind of special, but a "different" kind of special -- actually punishment for fighting at breakfast), happy meals for lunch, playing wii with Dad, and to top it all off . . . . . playing in the cardio room later with Dad! They love that place.

Seth's doing great! He looks awful to me, but not nearly as bad as it could be. The inside corners of his eyes are completely red, but there's no swelling. I call that blessed! I started reading Memory Keeper's Daughter last night, but could only handle one chapter. I was pretty tired, so I needed to sleep anyway, but that first chapter was a "doozy!" If you're planning on reading the book, you might want to skip ahead to the next paragraph because I'm going to write about what happened in the first chapter. This story starts out back in 1964, I think. There was a big snowstorm, so this couple couldn't make it to the hospital and the doctor got stuck in a ditch. So the husband, who was an orthopedic surgeon and had delivered babies a few times as well, had to help his wife in a little doctor's office with the help of a nurse. They didn't know it, but they were having twins. The boy was born perfect, but the girl had Down Syndrome -- except that's not how the father saw it. He saw the "telltale signs of a mongoloid." That word along with the most-hated "r" word should be BANISHED from the English language! I really do believe that I'd lay someone flat out for using that "m" word in my hearing, especially if Seth were with me. I reemed out a kid in one of Jason's classes once for using the "r" word! I just couldn't believe that he would call someone that word, knowing that his teacher's child is mentally retarded, the child was right there in the room, and the child's MOTHER was right there for crying out loud! He's lucky I didn't deck him! I can't get too terribly upset about the "r" word, though, because we've all used it -- out of sheer ignorance, of course, of how hurtful the word is to people who love someone dearly who is literally retarded. But that "m" word just sounds plain MEAN and shouldn't be allowed to come out of anyone's mouth EVER! ok, enough of that -- anyway, the father thought he would save his wife and himself a lot of hurt and had the nurse take the baby girl to an institution. I certainly hope this is not based on a true story because that's just WRONG! Although I know that was done -- sending handicapped children to institutions instead of loving them and taking care of them. The blessings and joy those people missed out on is just astounding! Life without Seth????? unimaginable! And that was just the first chapter of the book!!! Should I really be reading this book? Well, whether I should or shouldn't, I'm going to.

My cold is finally gone! That sucker held on for three weeks.

MAN, I love Third Day!!!!!!!!! I'm listening to a song called "Saved" from their first Offerings cd -- it's not their normal style, but WOW! It just makes me want to turn Pentecostal right here in my computer chair! Whatever the reason Satan uses to try to put me in that black pit of depression, Third Day has a song to pull me up and OUT! Thank GOD those men are using their musical talents for Him!

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