Saturday, January 24, 2009

good time

No picture of the party -- I took one, but I forgot to ask the kids' parents if they minded my putting it on here. Seven boys in my family room = a lot of noise and a lot of stink. They played the wii, threw toys around, shot some baskets with Luke's door basketball hoop, and yelled. I don't think I heard one child just speak with a normal volume -- it was always yelling. I don't get that one, but anyway -- they had fun and that's the point of a party. Personally, I'm glad it's over. I'm a schedule person. Digressing from the normal schedule makes me a little nutso -- mostly just on the inside, but I'm sure it sometimes leaks out. There's a slight possibility that I'm learning to keep it inside and just be quiet, get through the schedule break, and maybe even enjoy something about it. Today, I enjoyed Joel's smiles and excitement and talking to a couple other moms. After everyone left, I got Seth's and my coats on to go get dinner from Taco Bell. We didn't actually get to leave, though, because Seth fell down the stairs. He got a big bump on his forehead and seemed to be really dazed and shaky, so Jason got dinner after he got done working. That was the latest we've ever had dinner, I think. More schedule breaks -- I'm too tired, though, to really care. One more little party, not nearly as wild or long as today's. Spaghetti sauce is made, pie crust is mixed and chilling (Joel chose to have a birthday PIE instead of a cake, which is fine by me -- I like pie and there won't be any leftovers for me to eat all week and gain more pounds). Joel was pretty amazing to me today. He really helped this morning and this afternoon cleaning up the stuff in the family room, and he was very well-behaved all day. I was impressed with my son :-)

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